Thursday, October 25, 2007

Chernoff Faces Map of Health Issues in Chicago

I found this chernoff faces map at the following link. It turned out really light in this JPG...I suggest you go to the web site and see it for yourself!

Lab 6 Choropleth Maps

I chose to do one on the Percentage of the Population who were veterans. I did equal intervals and quantiles. My grayscales look better in Illustrator and printed out really dark.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

another choropleth map...

The title says it all....pretty sad!
AP IMPACT: Sexual Misconduct Plagues US Schools: AP Finds 2,500 Teachers Punished in 5 Years

Monday, October 15, 2007

Lab 5 Tri-State Area

Here it is...not too happy with the results....but it is done!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Choropleth map of Languages

I fund this cholorpleth map of the languages spoken around the world at the following link

Thursday, October 4, 2007


This is it...'nuff said!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Russian military map

Note sure how this image will show up. It is a Russian map for invasion of Korea. The fonts are interesting for several reasons, first they are in Cyrillic, also they use different shades of blue for bays versus the actual ocean. Also different sizes and shades of lettering depict different things.

Finally for all the military buffs. The US has always used blue for friendly forces (Us and Allies) and red for enemy forces (USSR during the Cold War). As you will see the Soviet Union used red to represent themselves! The big red arrows are to show the path that the forces would take.